Patient Portals & Digital Front Door

Enhance patient engagement and satisfaction with custom patient portals and digital front doors. Streamline operations, support personalized care, and integrate telehealth services to attract and retain patients. Ensure data security and compliance while driving revenue growth with tailored digital solutions that optimize care delivery.


Engaging older adults with a custom telehealth solution, Never Alone.

Dukehealth -dark
Congruity Health – Black
CommuniCare – Black
Guardian – Black
Easterseals – dark

Use Cases for Population Health Management

Appointment Scheduling and Management

Allow patients to book, reschedule, and cancel appointments online, reducing administrative burden and improving convenience.

Access to Medical Records

Enable patients to view their health records, lab results, and visit summaries, fostering transparency and engagement.

Secure Messaging

Provide a platform for secure communication between patients and healthcare providers, enhancing care coordination and patient satisfaction.

Prescription Refills and Medication Management

Allow patients to request prescription refills and manage their medications online, ensuring timely access to necessary treatments.

Telehealth Services

Integrate virtual visit capabilities, allowing patients to consult with healthcare providers remotely, increasing accessibility and convenience.

Billing and Payments

Facilitate online bill payments and access to billing statements, streamlining the financial aspect of patient care.

Health Tracking and Wellness Programs

Offer tools for tracking health metrics, accessing personalized wellness tips, and participating in health programs, promoting proactive health management.

Patient Education

Provide access to educational materials, resources, and personalized health information to empower patients in managing their health.

Check-In and Pre-Visit Forms

Enable online check-in and completion of pre-visit forms, reducing wait times and enhancing the patient experience.

Achieved 95% Treatment in Place with Custom Virtual Care Ecosystem

A large value-based care provider, faced CMS reimbursement challenges due to coding gaps. Complex growth and tech hindered patient care. Addressing gaps was vital for improved patient care and reimbursement.


Features for Patient Portals and Digital Front Doors

Data Integration and Interoperability

Integrating data from various sources such as EHRs, lab systems, and third-party applications, ensuring seamless interoperability across platforms.

Security and Compliance

Implementing robust security measures such as encryption, secure access controls, and compliance with regulations like HIPAA to protect patient data.

Real-Time Data Access and Updates

Ensuring that patients and healthcare providers have real-time access to up-to-date information, requiring efficient and scalable data processing systems.

User Authentication and Authorization

Developing secure and user-friendly authentication and authorization mechanisms, including multi-factor authentication, to ensure only authorized access.

Telehealth Integration

Integrating telehealth functionalities, including video conferencing, secure messaging, and remote monitoring, while maintaining high performance and reliability.

Customizable and Intuitive User Interface (UI/UX)

Designing and developing a customizable, user-friendly interface that meets the needs of diverse patient demographics and provides an intuitive user experience.

Mobile Responsiveness and Compatibility

Ensuring that the portal is fully responsive and compatible with various mobile devices and operating systems, providing a seamless user experience across platforms.

Scalable Architecture

Building a scalable architecture that can handle increasing numbers of users, data volume, and feature complexity without compromising performance.

Analytics and Reporting

Implementing advanced analytics and reporting capabilities to track user engagement, health outcomes, and operational efficiency, providing actionable insights for continuous improvement.

Integrating Patient Engagement Platforms into a VBC architecture

  • IMPROVED PATIENT OUTCOMES: Patient engagement platforms enable proactive health management, better adherence to treatment plans, and early detection of health issues, leading to improved outcomes.
  • ENHANCED CARE COORDINATION: These platforms streamline communication among care teams, reducing service duplication, preventing errors, and ensuring timely, appropriate care.
  • INCREASED PATIENT SATISFACTION: Providing convenient access to healthcare services and personalized experiences boosts patient satisfaction, a key metric in VBC models.
  • DATA COLLECTION AND INSIGHTS: Platforms collect data on patient behaviors and outcomes, offering insights for improved care quality and informed decision-making.
  • COST REDUCTION: By promoting preventive care and reducing unnecessary interventions, engagement platforms help lower healthcare costs, aligning with VBC goals.
  • REGULATORY COMPLIANCE AND REPORTING: These platforms ensure accurate documentation and support compliance with VBC reporting standards and regulations like HIPAA.
  • PATIENT EMPOWERMENT: Access to health information and self-management tools encourages patients to actively participate in their care, leading to better health outcomes and cost savings.

Patient Engagement Solution Expertise

Data Integration and Interoperability

Integrating various data sources such as EHRs, lab systems, and third-party applications to ensure seamless interoperability across platforms. This requires consistent data formats, real-time updates, and adherence to standards like HL7 and FHIR.

Security and Compliance

Implementing robust security measures, including encryption, secure access controls, and compliance with regulations like HIPAA, to protect patient data. This demands ongoing adaptation to evolving security threats and regulatory requirements.

Real-Time Data Access and Updates

Ensuring real-time access to up-to-date information for patients and providers requires efficient, scalable data processing systems, with low latency, high availability, and reliable synchronization.

User Authentication and Authorization

Developing secure, user-friendly authentication and authorization mechanisms, such as multi-factor authentication, to protect sensitive information while providing a smooth user experience.

Telehealth Integration

Integrating telehealth functionalities, including video conferencing and secure messaging, while maintaining high performance and reliability, requires seamless connectivity and strong data security.

Customizable and Intuitive User Interface (UI/UX)

Designing a user-friendly, customizable interface for diverse patient demographics involves understanding user needs and expertise in UI/UX design.

Mobile Responsiveness and Compatibility

Ensuring the portal is fully responsive and compatible with various mobile devices and operating systems for a seamless user experience across platforms.

Scalable Architecture

Building a scalable architecture to handle increasing users, data volume, and feature complexity without compromising performance, involving load balancing and efficient resource management.

Analytics and Reporting

Implementing advanced analytics and reporting to track user engagement, health outcomes, and operational efficiency, requiring sophisticated data processing and visualization tools for actionable insights.

Population Health Management Experts

Advanced Data Integration and Interoperability

Our team excels in integrating diverse data sources, ensuring seamless interoperability across platforms. Their expertise in handling EHRs, lab systems, and third-party applications guarantees comprehensive and cohesive data management, which is critical for effective patient engagement.

Robust Security and Compliance

Our team is proficient in implementing top-tier security measures, including encryption and secure access controls, while ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations such as HIPAA. This expertise ensures that patient data is protected, maintaining trust and adherence to regulatory standards.

Customizable and User-Centric UI/UX Design

Our team specializes in designing intuitive, user-friendly interfaces tailored to diverse patient demographics. Their deep understanding of user needs and behaviors, combined with expertise in UI/UX design, ensures high adoption rates and a superior patient experience.

How to get Started

HIPAA Compliant MVP

Launch a new service or product in as little as 8 weeks

VBC Technology Consulting

Consulting services for technology integration in Value-Based Care.

Strategic Assessment

An evaluation to guide critical business strategies and decisions.

Our latest insights

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What is a Custom Patient Engagement Solution?

A Custom Patient Engagement Solution, including patient portals and digital front doors, is a tailored software system designed to enhance patient interaction and satisfaction. It integrates various data sources, offers advanced communication tools, and supports personalized care to improve overall patient experience and outcomes.


How can a Custom Patient Engagement Solution improve patient outcomes?

A Custom Patient Engagement Solution improves patient outcomes by enabling proactive communication, providing access to personalized health information, and facilitating continuous care. This leads to better adherence to treatment plans, timely interventions, and enhanced patient satisfaction.


What are the benefits of a Custom Patient Engagement Solution over a standard solution?

The benefits include increased flexibility, better integration with existing systems, improved user satisfaction, and the ability to add specific features that cater to the unique needs of the healthcare organization. Custom solutions can adapt to changing healthcare demands and provide more precise and actionable insights.


How does a Custom Patient Engagement Solution ensure data security and compliance?

It ensures data security and compliance by incorporating robust encryption, secure access controls, regular audits, and adherence to regulations such as HIPAA. These measures protect patient data, maintain confidentiality, and ensure the integrity of health information.


What features can be included in a Custom Patient Engagement Solution?

Features can include secure messaging, appointment scheduling, access to medical records, telehealth integration, billing and payment processing, patient education resources, health tracking tools, and personalized care plans.


How does a Custom Patient Engagement Solution enhance care coordination?

It enhances care coordination by providing a seamless flow of information among healthcare providers and patients, reducing duplication of efforts, minimizing errors, and ensuring that all patient information is easily accessible and up-to-date. This improves communication and collaboration across the care team.


What are the challenges of implementing a Custom Patient Engagement Solution?

Challenges include the initial cost and time investment, ensuring user adoption, data migration from existing systems, maintaining data security and compliance, and ongoing maintenance and support. Overcoming these challenges requires careful planning, training, and a commitment to continuous improvement.


How can a Custom Patient Engagement Solution optimize resource allocation?

By analyzing patient engagement data, the solution can identify trends and predict healthcare needs, allowing for more effective allocation of resources. This includes optimizing staffing, reducing unnecessary visits, and focusing efforts on high-risk patients to improve efficiency and reduce costs.


Why choose our experienced team for Custom Patient Engagement Solutions?

Our experienced team offers expertise in advanced analytics, data integration, and user-centric design, ensuring the delivery of tailored, flexible solutions that meet unique healthcare needs. Their commitment to security, compliance, and a user-friendly interface, combined with a seasoned team, makes them a reliable partner in enhancing patient engagement effectively.