Pretty much everybody has an iProduct today – iMac, iPod, iPhone – and if you don’t, you’re either coveting one or my grandma (she’s a PC).
Of course, iTunes is the most universally adopted music, video, and application platform in the world. We were super psyched to see the Mission Zero iPhone App (designed and developed by the digital scientists team) front and center on the iTunes store.

You can’t pay for advertising like this. We know, because we would have done it… if we could afford it.
All kidding aside, we are honored to be a part of the Mission Zero project and take great pride in the recognition bestowed by iTunes. We hope that this exposes Mission Zero and the Mission Zero iPhone App to a whole new audience.
P.S. Speaking of iLove – couldn’t resist throwing in this image of the guys playing with their iPhones. What you don’t see are the other 10 scientists who were doing exactly the same thing at the same time.
iPhone = stealth office pictures