Holbrook Life

Operational dashboard provides critical metrics

Holbrook Life reporting dashboard

As a client struggling with data overload, Holbrook sought our help to identify and drive alignment on various metrics that were being collected from across the organization.

Through a Design Sprint, we were able to help Holbrook leadership achieve internal alignment, which then laid the foundation for our designers to create a prototype of an operational dashboard designed to provide key data and meaningful insights.

  • Real estate
  • Design sprint
  • Product design + development
  • Concept validation research

The challenge: unwieldy data

Holbrook wanted to aggregate and holistically view resident data for measuring the health and welfare of its communities, but the C-suite struggled with data overload and harnessing the right metrics from disparate sources from across the organization. With a variety of viewpoints and perspectives, the leadership team set out to identify the most important data and align on critical objectives around those metrics.

our role
  • Design Sprint facilitation
  • Prototype design
  • Concept validation research
  • Strategic recommendations
  • Prototype
  • Usability research findings
  • Potential opportunities
  • Key metrics and data
  • Future design iterations & development
  • Insights & findings report

Leadership gets aligned on a shared vision

Through a Design Sprint, we were able to help facilitate discussions among leadership to help them identify a shared vision of success around data, one that could help bring into focus those metrics that are most critical to helping the C-Suite make informed decisions. By the end of the sprint, our teams collectively identified the following goals that would improve Holbrook’s data analysis:

  • Connect disparate points of data for analysis
  • Gain visibility into business metrics and facility operations
  • Compile operational statistics and generate reports
  • Define metrics, targets, acceptable variance ranges
  • Allow for sending and receiving alerts of metrics that are out of alignment with targets and variances

After establishing these goals, our designers then went to work on a prototype for a unified dashboard that could provide visibility into the day-to-day operations of the organization while also providing actionable data.

Dashboard prototype developed in days, not months

whiteboard sketches with post its

Once we identified the critical metrics, our design team stepped in to create a prototype that would provide quick visibility of business metrics and operational statistics. With built-in functionality to generate reports, the tool would also provide leadership with on-demand access to data, enabling them to make informed, actionable decisions – fast.

Using the Design Sprint methodology significantly reduced the time typically required by leadership to identify and align on critical objectives. Through a unique process of collaboration, rapid prototyping, and user testing & analysis, our team compressed the thinking, iterating, and design of the prototype from months into days.

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healthcare, innovation research, media / technology, product design + development

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