Congruity Health

Build & test an MVP health analytics platform


Congruity Health, asked us to create a foundation for its new platform, a sustainable data ingestion and analytics platform that could provide meaningful insights and efficiency to insurance providers and their customers.

  • Healthcare
  • Custom software development
  • AI & machine learning

The challenge

Congruity Health wanted to build an ingestion and analytics platform that could provide analysis of claims and eligibility data in real-time for musculoskeletal and Type II diabetes diagnoses, codes, and procedures.

We were brought in to research, build, and launch an MVP health data platform that could help identify health event triggers and possible points of intervention, enabling providers to proactively reach out to patients with preventative measures.

Project activities

  • Host a discovery & alignment workshop
  • Perform competitive research & analysis
  • Compile data sources & examine available data
  • Conduct user interviews
  • Journey mapping
  • Evaluate identifier data
  • Create new data store for data compilation
  • Define and build new data queries
  • Implement triggers for automated notification
  • Mock & live data testing for AWS S3, BigQuery, 
 & Stitch
  • Tableau server configuration

Congruity Health can:

  • Identify critical interventions
  • Increase targeted telehealth utilization
  • Decrease healthcare cost
  • AWS
  • AWS S3
  • Google Big Query
  • Google Cloud Functions
  • Salesforce
  • Tableau
  • Alignment workshop report
  • Competitive analysis report
  • Architecture & technical documentation
  • Integrated data sources Workflows Journey maps
  • Workflows
  • Journey maps

Data service flow

HIPAA and PHI considerations

Any project that entails the handling of protected health information (PHI) requires extra steps to carefully plan and create solution architecture that’s HIPAA-compliant.

Our team had to carefully consider security and privacy issues relating to the tools, services, and configurations of Congruity’s platform. Once both teams aligned on the SA, the build portion went very quickly.


Research + discovery

  • Analyzed the data, its sources, permission requirements, etc.
  • Evaluated best-suited analytic platforms, connectors, and data stores

Alignment + prioritization

  • Presented SA recommendations along with high-level build estimates
  • Performed an approval & selection process of platform tools
  • Prioritized build activities for remainder of phase

Development + delivery

  • Configured and developed analytics platform foundation
  • Setup initial queries and triggers architecture
  • Integrated with telehealth provider’s Salesforce


The Congruity Health platform is set up to proactively and predictively target patients in need of care by increasing access and accountability for targeted chronic disease management. The results? More accountability in healthcare and visibility to data that can reveal a patient’s changing health status based on the level of care they receive.

Working toward a mutual goal, Congruity Health and Digital Scientists are empowering the consumer while helping to decrease major health events and their associated costs.

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industrial / manufacturing, innovation research, product design + development

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