Survey & analytics platform
AdvancED, partnered with 32,000 schools, enlisted us to create a school accreditation and improvement platform called eProve

The challenge
As the largest community of education professionals in the world, AdvancED, wanted to move from a traditional, paper survey – backed up by a proprietary observation methodology – and translate it across digital platforms in an accessible, bright, and friendly manner.
ELEOT (Effective Learning Environments Observation Tool™) works online and offline, automatically syncing observations when users have network access.

AdvancED eProve

eProve is a modular diagnostic and improvement software platform consisting of six applications: eleot, surveys, diagnostics, strategies, workspace, and analytics.
We worked on a series of projects, including:
- eProve brand identity: Communicated the connection between elements of a suite of products
- eProve eleot: Conducted meaningful classroom observations focused on student engagement
- eProve surveys: Created, administered, and reported on customized school stakeholder surveys
- eProve diagnostics: Applied tools that are designed to offer a comprehensive yet simplistic way of identifying a school’s strengths and challenges
Primary engagements
- Digital strategy
- Brand identity
- UX design
- Frontend development
- AngularJS development
- iOS & Android app development
Brand identity – application suite
The AdvancED eProve identity needed to communicate the connection between elements of a suite of products – and the cooperative approach to educational improvement that the AdvancED team employs.

A system of individual application logos was created to support the primary eProve branding, allowing extension of the application suite as it grows. A related type treatment was also created for instances when a logo lockup is needed, like when representing individual applications, like AdvancED Surveys.

Quick overview option
Observations in eProve eleot are saved in an easy-to-read, tabular format. This format significantly upgrades the paper systems with an on-the-go, highly-organized digital application.

Detailed search capabilities
Searching for what you need is only a tap away. Quickly filter by course, instructor, student, subject matter, and more. The search feature improves efficiency with fast access to files.

Rapid entries for new observations
Observations in eProve eleot are saved in an easy-to-read, tabular format. This format significantly upgrades the paper systems with an on-the-go, highly-organized digital application.

Application features
- Interactive creator: Interactively create survey items from scratch or from the library.
- Real-time search: Search and find items in real time using search autofill, and common search facets.
- Powerful reports: Create aggregate reports that can be filtered and grouped in real time.
- Branching & logic: Use custom question branching and logic to define survey paths.
- Multilingual: Multilingual support including right-to-left & left-to-right layouts
- Interactive charts: Interactive spark lines, bullet charts and histograms coupled with UI.

eProve Surveys
In partnership with the AdvancED product development team, we created wireframes, prototyped, and built easy-to-use interfaces for educational institutions to access, customize, and distribute a library of certified content. This provides the information needed for educators to send out the best possible surveys to their teachers and parents.

eProve Diagnostics
The Adaptive System of School Improvement Support Tools (ASSIST™) offers a suite of diagnostic tools, including a self assessment, executive summary, student performance, stakeholder feedback, and more. These tools are designed to offer a comprehensive yet simplistic way of identifying an organization’s strengths and challenges. Partnering with the AdvancED product development team, we worked to create an enhanced user experience for their eProve diagnostics application.

Over the course of 2 years, we’ve collaborated with AdvancED to create a variety of education-focused applications and marketing programs – including the launch of the AdvancED eProve platform, eleot application, surveys application – and a digital version of their SOURCE newsletter. Applications in the eProve platform are available to the entire AdvancED network.
32K Schools
eProve and related AdvancED applications are currently in use by over 32,000 schools internationally
100K Observations
Application suite is informed by over 100,000 eleot learning observations every year